Literature Ambassadors
Enabling & encouraging local members to share literature

Sharing literature in your local church
Do you want to share your passion for literature with others?
Have you considered being a Literature Ambassador in your local church?
- Share your confidence and conviction in the relevance of literature today.
- Grow interest in the use of sharing literature by your church family – look below at 10 ideas for sharing literature
- Suggest ideas for sharing a booklet with friends.
- Equip members with tracts and booklets.
- Setup a ‘book sharing table’ of resources for your church family to take and share.
- Tell your church family about the Sharing Book of the Year.
- Inspire your church family to be part of Total Member Involvement.
A Literature Ambassador can lead with some or all of the above ideas.
Chat with your Pastor and like-minded friends and plan for your church to receive or purchase an initial supply of sharing literature. (Your Conference Personal Ministries Director or Literature Ministry Coordinator can help with your questions)
Your church family can pick up resources from the sharing-table – either for free, or members might like to make a donation towards the purchase of additional supplies. Local church budgets are also supportive of these initiatives.
Keen but unsure you can do it?
Read more about the Literature Ambassadors local church appointed role in the Church Manual referred to as Local Church Publishing Ministries on pages 102 & 103.
We can help you with a tool-kit of resources, and stories from other Literature Ambassadors.

10 Ideas for Churches to share literature
- Purchase a supply of the latest Sharing Book of the year.
- Team together with local friends and learn to confidently share books in your community.
- Appoint a Literature Ambassador in your local church and create a book sharing table with approved sharing books for members to share in the community.
- Share a Gift Pack with your neighbourhood for special events like Mother’s Day and Christmas.
- Include a Book Sharing Table at seminars, health expos and cooking programs.
- Give as a gift to visitors, new members or former members.
- Involve youth with the Pathfinder literature honour. (More helpful resources.)
- Encourage students to join a holiday program to sell books together for school fees.
- Share digital resources from our online resource hub.
- Fund a small church literature budget to get started. Add a donation box on the Book Sharing Table for continued contributions.
Print a PDF of these 10 ideas, and use this Powerpoint in your local church.