Literature for Sharing
Sabbath Gift
The Great Hope
Step Beyond
Steps to Jesus, by Ellen White.
Topic: How to find happiness through a saving relationship
Target Audience: The general public and especially those who would like to discover or know Jesus better.
- Pocket book – share person to person with interested people.
Check if your local church has already received a bulk supply.
Caring for you
Topic: Seventh-day Adventists serving the community
Target Audience: Those interested in understanding about the Adventist church and how they serve in the community.
- Booklet – share person to person with interested people.
- Printed on demand with the local church’s contact details and QR code linked to their website
Live More Happy
Scientifically proven ways to lift your mood and your life, by Dr Darren Morton.
Topic: Emotional health and wellness
Target Audience: General public and especially those interested in happiness and wellness.
A Taste of Food as Medicine
Cooking for your best health, by Dr Sue Radd.
Topic: Nutrition and cooking
Target Audience: General public and especially those who have an interest in nutrition and cooking.
- Pocket book – general purpose sharing, cooking demonstrations and makes a great gift.
Hope for Troubled Times
How to thrive in a shattered world, by Mark Finley.
Topic: Discovering hope amidst a crisis from a biblical perspective.
Target Audience: Seekers with a prior understanding of biblical themes.
- Pocket book – share person to person with interested people.
- Tract – carry with you for general purpose sharing and letterboxing.
- e-tract – share by text, email or social media.
Advent / Advent for Kids
Hearing the good news in the story of Jesus’ birth, by Nathan Brown.
Target Audience: General public
- Books – general purpose sharing and make great gifts.
- Tracts – carry with you for sharing and letterboxing.
- e-tracts – share by text, email or social media.
Discover Jesus
Stories of His life, His teachings and His first followers.
Topic: Starter Bible (Mark, John, Acts) NLT
Target Audience: Specifically for sharing with those not acquainted with the Bible, to help get them interested in the Word of God and stories of Jesus, and then ultimately lead them onto a full Bible.
- Pocket book – share person to person with interested people.