The Overlander
Pre-order “The Overlander”
Sharing Book – available in 2025
Pre-order now to share the incredible story of “Bubsie”—the first car to drive around Australia—and the Adventist faith that inspired this epic journey.
Take advantage of a special bulk price for the 2025 sharing book!
In 2025, Australia-wide media coverage will highlight the 100-year anniversary of “Bubsie” as it visits hundreds of towns.
This full-colour booklet celebrates and shares the remarkable story and the faith that inspired the Adventist adventurers who made this historic journey in 1925.
- A simple re-telling of the story of Literature Evangelist Nevill Westwood, Greg Davis and the little Citroen “Bubsie”.
- 64-page magazine-style booklet with a heavier cover for cost-effective sharing.
- Authored by Suki Goonatilleke, an experienced historical story-teller and author of Sisters in Arms and As Bright as the Stars.
- A foreword by Pastor Gary Kent, to connect with his “Right Around Australia” project, visiting many Australian communities across 2025.
- Historical photos from their journey throughout the booklet.
- Special offers for readers to discover more about this historic journey and the Adventist faith that inspired it.

“The epic story of Nevill Westwood and his trusty Citroen 5CV—affectionately nicknamed ‘Bubsie’—stands as a shining example of faith-driven perseverance, ingenuity and adventure.”
—Pastor Gary Kent, from the foreword
How to share this book in your community
- Simply give it to friends, family, neighbours and other community members as an Australian historical and human-interest story.
- Use it as an invitation to be part of the “Right Around Australia” events in your church and community, make it available at those events, and offer it to attendees as a follow up.
- Share copies with leaders in your community.
- Leave copies in community places, particularly historical societies and local museums, with permission.
- Send copies to people who have attended programs your church has run.
- Have copies available for visitors at any church event.
- Offer a free giveaway on church and local church websites.
- Gifts for community members on your contact list.
- Give a free copy to all families at your local Adventist school.
- Share in usual literature-sharing channels: literature stands, letterboxing and doorknocking.
Until October 31
Open for pre-orders
November / December
Production and printing
Distribution to conferences and churches
Share The Overlander with your community!
Bulk pre-orders for The Overlander have now closed. Contact us if you have any questions.
Promotional Graphics
Promote the sharing book The Overlander and the opportunity to buy in bulk in October for a special discount price. Download graphics to share on the screen in your church, in your e-newsletter, or on your social channels.