Impact Day – May
Literature Distribution Month
Together, through prayer and sharing literature, God can use His church to share hope with 65,000 souls.
Every year, the church in the South Pacific Division produces a small easy-to-read book that addresses areas of concern such as spiritual, family, health or emotional need. Each year, on a designated impact day or month, church members are encouraged to participate in a massive global literature distribution in their communities. The main purpose of the impact day is to bring hope to the community.
This May, every conference within Australia and New Zealand will unite in this exciting mission to share Step Beyond, written by Ellen White. Many people have been disconnected from meaningful relationships and mental health issues have increased since the COVID-19 pandemic. This modern version of the classic book, Steps To Christ, invites the reader to discover happiness and a forever friendship with Jesus.
This year, your conference can choose between participating in the Impact Day on May 15 or Impact Month—distributing literature over the entire month of May. Check with your conference as to their plans.
Join the movement this May and share the good news! Read the book and share it with a friend, your neighbour and your community. You can be the hands and feet of Jesus and help others to experience a saving relationship too.
Share these videos with your church family
Social media assets, flyers and powerpoints for download
You can read the book ahead of time, while waiting to receive your copies to share.
“Give someone the courage to endure the challenges of life by gifting them this timely word. It will inspire them with the everlasting hope we have in our Lord Jesus.”
Eddie Tupai
“The on-going challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic are creating questions in people’s minds. How can I cope? What is the future? Where is their hope? “Hope for Troubled Times” answers these questions in a relevant and Biblical way. The current environment makes it easier to share such a significant book as this.”
Glenn Townend
“Humanity is heaving under the weight of uncertainty about what it means to live in the midst of a pandemic. This book is a gift of hope, an answer to our fears, and points to the One who is still in control.”
Lyndelle Peterson
The Australian and New Zealand Conferences together, have ordered over 65,000 copies of the book to share the hope in Jesus. Thank you for your support of this mission project. The book is planned to be delivered to the Conferences by the end of April ready for distribution in the month of May – specifically for the Impact Day on Sabbath May 15th.
The production of this book and tract has been subsidised with funding from the Literature Ministry Committee to support the church’s focus on providing resources for church members, churches and church entities to share in their communities.
*Please check with your Pastor for Conference advice regarding organised activities during COVID-19.
Suggested script for sharing the Step Beyond book in your community:
Hello, how are you today? My name is ____________ from your local _____________ Adventist church / Pathfinder club and we are offering this book as a special gift (hand book over). It explores how we can experience happiness and a forever friendship with Jesus.
Suggested script for sharing the Step Beyond and a health book in your community:
Introduction – Full version
Hello, how are you today? My name is ____________ from your local _____________ Adventist church / Pathfinder club and we are offering a special gift (hand books over with health book on the top). This book is from one of Australia’s top Dietitians with advice and recipes to help reduce lifestyle diseases. This one, explores the spiritual journey to lasting happiness. People choose either one or both. It will just cost you a kind smile! Have a fantastic day.
Introduction – Basic version
Hello, how are you today? My name is ____________ from your local _____________ Adventist church / Pathfinder club and we are offering this special gift (hand books over) on health and happiness. It will just cost you a kind smile! (be sure to smile yourself)
Introduction with prayer
Hello, how are you today? My name is ____________ from your local _____________Adventist church / Pathfinder club and we are offering this special gift (hand books over) on health and happiness. We like to keep our community in prayer. Is there anything specific you would like us to add to our prayer list?
Pathfinders Fundraising with Step Beyond and a health book
Introduction – Full version
Hello, how are you today? My name is ____________ from your local _____________ Pathfinder club and we are helping our community with resources for health and happiness (hand books over with health book on the top). This book is from one of Australia’s top Dietitians with advise and recipes designed to help reduce lifestyle diseases. This one, explores the spiritual journey to lasting happiness. Donations go towards _____________. People normally help out with a donation of $5 or 10 dollars. Thank you and have a fantastic day!
Introduction – Basic version
Hello, how are you today? My name is ____________ from your local _____________ Pathfinder club and we are offering these resources (hand books over) on health and happiness. Donations go towards _____________ People normally help out with a donation of $5 or $10. Thanks and have a great day!
When sharing as part of our every day lives, the best place to start by first reading the book and then pray that God will give you an opportunity to share him. Be ready to share your testimony and the give the book as a gift. This book helped me …