Jump Start
Jump Start is a quick and easy way to meet people while selling books and sharing literature. Church members can “jump” in and get started!
Jump Start is available in Australia and New Zealand.
What is involved?
- Visiting people at their homes
- At-the-door presentation of a select range of books (nutrition, depression, recipe books, spirituality and children’s books)
- You do not need to go into their home
- Follow up on interests – build friendships
- On average, 3-4 people per day will be interested in more than just the book. You can either follow up on their questions or refer them to the local church.
- Work with your Conference Literature Ministry Coordinator or a senior LE to receive training and support
Do I need to memorise a canvass?
Yes. A short paragraph canvass is written for each book that you sell. Often the Holy Spirit directs our words and gives us the right words to say, but beginners must memorise a short canvass before being taken to the door by their LM Coordinator.
If I have any questions or concerns, who can I ask for help?
The Conference Literature Ministry Coordinator is your first point of contact and is there to help and support you. There is always training and mentoring being offered to help improve your skills at national LE Summits and Outreaches. The LE Resource hub is also available, and contains training resources.
Business details
How many hours each week do I work as a Jump Start LE?
We recommend that each Jump Start Literature Evangelist commit to about 10 hours per week. Some work more than this, and some work less. Each Jump Start Literature Evangelist works with and for Jesus as part of God’s movement.
Jump Start is not designed for you to make a living from. If you would like to make Literature Evangelism your career, then join the Regular LE Ministry.
What are the ‘start-up costs’ to join the Jump Start LE team?
Purchasing the basic kit, a few sets of books, canvassing bag, change wallet, stationery and trainee ID lanyard costs approximately $250 (excluding postage and handling). Annual Public Liability Insurance is required.
How often and why do I need to report my LE activities?
Each Friday, please submit a brief online report of sales, hours worked, books sold, etcetera. These statistics assist the South Pacific Division and the world church to appreciate the valuable ministry work being performed by Literature Evangelists.
How do I get paid?
Books can be purchased directly from Signs Publishing Company’s online store (Hope Shop) at wholesale prices, and then sold by you for the recommended retail price. You get to keep all the money that you earn while selling books.
What happens if a customer at the door wants to pay by credit card?
A business PayPal account and device is an important tool to use in your ministry and can be set up at little cost.
What kinds of books do I sell?
A selection of health books and spiritual books. We carry excellent resources to help people with their physical, mental and spiritual health.
The Jump Start program is ideal for people who are:
- Students, retirees or part-time workers
- Business owners, shift-workers or professionals who can be flexible in their current job and want to contribute some time to reaching out to people
- Who desire to step out of their comfort zone and grow their faith in Jesus
- Who like to make new friends, and build relationships
- Who desire to share Jesus in the community.
How you can be a vital connection in a person’s life
There is a lot of good information out there to help people live healthy and happy lives but the problem is that many people lack the motivation to get it and use it. Loneliness, depression and sickness are key blockers that prevent people from taking a positive step in their life.
Your knock on their door could be:
- the means of connecting them with the life-saving information they desperately need,
- the opportunity for a person to break free from whatever is blocking them and step into a new life-changing direction, or
- their invitation to accept Jesus as their personal Saviour.