Studies 4-13 : Regular LE

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Hello and welcome to your continuing studies in Literature Evangelism focusing on the work of Regular Literature Evangelists.  Here’s a map to this training course.

This is a very important ministry – meeting and talking with people one-by-one, carefully opening seeds of truth that could decide their eternal future. This method of evangelism keeps on being effective.

If you haven’t arranged for your first set of books or your “Starters Kit” and your “Prospectus” (lo-res version), please Contact Us. They are needed for Study 4.

If you have already decided that you would like to proceed with your application to join Literature Evangelism, please download and print the LE Application form and the Pastoral Reference form (for your local Pastor) and the Church Reference Form (for your local Church Head Elder). Further information about the application process can be found here.

“Streams of Light” 

Literature Evangelism can be adapted to meet people where they are.  New methods such as Jump Start, Workshops and Pop Up Bookstores, have been set up in the South Pacific Division (SPD), but each method is another way to open people’s minds with questions, then showing answers from your books. This way has worked well for years. Take time to learn from long-term and retired LEs as they share their thoughts in video clips in these Studies. 

As you start Study 4, it is a good idea to have a notebook where you can write down your notes and thoughts as you go through these next Studies.  Use it to stop and record your prayers, your goals, and action points.  

Right through the Studies, there are many PDFs of key learning pints that you can download and save or print.  These are all listed (with quick links) on a last page in Study 13.

At any time, you can return to Studies – even after you have finished Study 13. 

May God bless you as you plan your time to follow this course.

The Literature Ministry team of the SPD are praying for you and look forward to supporting you in this journey. 

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Course Content

Study 4: The Approach & Introduction
Product knowledge and benefits - the prospectus

  • First things first
  • It’s all about human nature
  • First impressions count
  • Genuinely connecting from the start
  • Cultural awareness
  • Your safety
  • Bridge-building moments
  • Make friends first
  • The Prospectus
  • Discover needs
  • Presenting the prospectus
  • To buy or not to buy
  • Sell the sizzle, not the steak!
  • Knowledge is power
  • Study 4 reflections
  • Study 4 quiz
  • The last word on Study 4

Study 5: The Demonstration
The canvass – gaining trust

Study 6: Your voice & The Close
More about the canvass + improving your voice

Study 7: Making it easy to buy
This is a summary of study 7.

Study 8: Setting goals & self-management

Study 9: Territory, customer database & deliveries

Study 10: Reporting

Study 11: Be an evangelist

Study 12: Finances, Budgeting & Taxation

Study 13: In Summary, remember…

Your course feedback is welcomed